REVIEW: Festive Club Stack by Garsons

“What is Garsons?” I guess you are thinking. Well it’s a garden centre in Esher. I ended up there on Saturday and got a surprise chance to eat a Christmas sandwich in their restaurant and create more content for your favourite Christmas sandwich blog. I don’t really have much more to say than that, I’m in my 40s and go to garden centres now, so it’s not great content, but it is content nonetheless. And it’s your 6th review out of a possible 7 at this stage in December, in a year where I said I wasn’t really going to bother so if anything I’m over performing here. Maybe the lack of pressure to eat so many sandwiches has loosened me up and turned me into a reviewing machine.

Cue no reviews for the rest of the week…

Turkey, bacon, cheddar, lettuce, tomato, cranberry sauce

I copied the ingredients as they were written in the menu for two reasons:

1. Is this just their usual club sandwich with a bit of cranberry in it? We’ll come back to that.

2. Read the ingredients again and then look carefully at the photo. Can you see fucking cucumber listed in the ingredients? No, so why put that awful stuff in it? What if I had allergies?!

So I picked out the cucumber and got started. Back to point number 1. Is this just a club sandwich with cranberry in it? On paper, yes. Is it just their normal club sandwich with cranberry in it? I looked through the menu and the answer is no because they don’t have a normal club sandwich. So have they just made a club sandwich, stuck some cranberry in it and called it the festive special? Yes.

But is it really a Christmas sandwich? This is very low effort and in my opinion it barely counts as a Christmas sandwich, but it has given me a dilemma – is the Gail’s sandwich really a Christmas sandwich? Probably not, the only Christmassy things in that were the turkey and the bacon jam. I think it comes down to this – the Gail’s sandwich was very nice. This one? Well it would probably be a good non-Christmas club sandwich without the cranberry. If you get a bite of the cranberry and tomato together it is not a nice combo and that ended up being most bites. Would it be a good sandwich without the cranberry? Yes. But if my aunt had bollocks she’d be my uncle, so this is a bad sandwich. In fact, it’s the attempt to make it a Christmas sandwich that makes it a bad sandwich, otherwise it would be a good one. Followed all of that? Good.

Garsons, you fools, what have you done?

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